Company Websites
Company websites can provide a wealth of information, particularly for public companies. Look for press releases, investor information, and financials, including presentations and events and filings such as SEC filings, annual reports, or corporate social responsibility or "community" reports.
NOTE: Use information from the company carefully and watch for bias or an overly optimistic interpretation of factual data.
Annual Reports (10-K)
All public companies are required to produce an annual report (10-K), along with other reports, for the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). The reports are made public to help current and potential investors better understand a company's financial health.
NOTE: Private companies usually do not produce annual reports for the public.
On Corporate Sites - Look for the "Investor Relations" or "About Us" link on a company's website. Examples:
- FedEx (Investor Relations at the bottom of the page)
- UPS (About Us at the top and bottom of the page. On the About Us page, select Investors at the top of the page.)
NOTE: Beware many companies also use their annual reports as a marketing tool. The narrative can be more public relations than analysis.
Public Company Financials
On Corporate Sites - Look for the "Investor Relations" or "About Us" link on a company's website.
Mergent Archives This link opens in a new windowCurrent and historical research collection of corporate and industry related documents, such as, annual and industry reports, industry ratios, equity reports, Bond Records, Commodity Yearbook, Moody's Corporate & Municipal Manuals, country reports. Coverage 1905-present.
EDGAR (SEC)EDGAR is the federal government's database of all public filings (e.g., 10K, 8K) by companies. These reports DO NOT include analysis or a narrative. EDGAR provides reports from 1994 to the current year. Free to access and use.
Company History, Rankings, Market Share, SWOT, Competitors, etc.
Business Insights: Essentials (Gale/Cengage) This link opens in a new windowSearch a company to find it history, chronology, business rankings, market share, reports, and articles.
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) This link opens in a new windowHISTORY, SWOT ANALYSIS, COMPETITORS, etc.
In the top menu, select More and then select Company Profiles.
Search the name of the company and "competitors" for articles.