Congratulations! You have graduated and accomplished your goal!
You do not have access to library services and databases once you graduate, but we still want to support your lifelong professional and personal learning.
We have collected these open access resources that are free to you.
Bible and Bible Reference Works
Church History
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Language (Dictionaries, Grammars, etc.)
Biblical Archaeology
Religious Art
Preaching, Liturgy, and Worship
You should identify a library near you that you can use. It may be a public library or an academic library.
Public libraries are convenient with local access. You are eligible to get a library card at your local public library and can check out materials. Most libraries have access to online databases, eBooks, and other electronic materials.
A public library serves your entire community, so the collection will likely have information on all topics. However, there might not be in-depth coverage unless it is a large city or county library.
When you need help, ask a librarian! They will point you to digital resources or help you get an Interlibrary Loan item from another library.
Every community college or university has a library to support its students, faculty, and staff. Libraries have different areas of specialization (medical, law, etc.), and you will want to determine if the library near you has a robust collection in your subject area. This can be done by visiting the library’s website and browsing their catalog.
Many academic libraries allow the local community to check out items. There are some disadvantages of academic libraries.
There are some things to consider when selecting a library where you can do research.
You can contact the library or check their website to find more information about their policies. The library may have enough information on your topic depending on where you are in your research and what you need to accomplish that day. You can visit a library’s website and browse their catalog to see what materials they have on your subject.
There are probably several types of libraries in your vicinity, which may be helpful for research.