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About ATLA Religion: About ATLA Religion


Guide to ATLA Religion / About ATLA Religion





EBSCO ATLA Religion Database is the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion, with coverage from 1949 and retrospective indexing for some journal issues as far back as the nineteenth century. Subject areas covered are:

  • Bible, Archaeology, and Antiquities
  • Human Culture and Society
  • Church History, Missions, and Ecumenism
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • World Religions and Religious Studies
  • Theology, Philosophy, and Ethics


This guide reviews how to search ATLA Religion and save articles.




Guide to ATLA Religion / Searching





  • Enter your keywords into the search boxes at the top of the screen. 
  • As you type, suggestions will come up. Use your own keywords or any database suggestions in your search. 
  • The default Select a Field option will search all fields in records as well as the full text.  
    • Use the dropdown menu to search specific fields.  For example, you can search just by title, author, or subject headings. 








  • Search results will look familiar, as they are similar to the ones in OCLS QUICKsearch and other EBSCO databases like Business Source Complete. 
  • Results will be displayed by Relevance. You can change this to sort by Date, Author, or Title
  • The Limit To section on the left displays available filters. The most useful are:
    • Filter by Publication Date. Especially useful if you see many older titles.
    • Filter by Full Text. To only see articles available in full text. 
    • Filter by Peer Reviewed. To see only peer-reviewed articles.  





Guide to ATLA Religion / Viewing





To view an article:

  • Click the PDF Full Text, HTML Full Text, or Check Online Availability link (whichever is available or your preference).


The article will open in the same browser window or tab. 






Guide to ATLA Religion / Saving & Linking





EBSCO features several options for saving, printing, emailing, and linking to articles. 

  • Google Drive - Save pages to your Google Drive. 
  • Add to folder -  Add this article to your My EBSCO folder. 
  • Print Pages - Print pages. 
  • E-mail Pages - Similar to the Save option, but the PDF file will be emailed to you instead of downloaded to your computer. 
  • Cite - See suggested citations in APA and other formats. 
    • Note: There are always errors with computer-generated citations. Check for capitalization and other errors.
  • Export - For power users, export the citations as a RIS file you can upload into Academic Writer or other citation managers.  
  • Permalink - The permanent link you can copy and save to revisit. This is the link you want to use if you are sharing a link in a discussion board. 







Guide to ATLA Religion / Subject Headings





  • Keywords are what you type into Google.
  • They are important words or phrases that describe the key concepts of your topic.
  • When you search for keywords, the database looks in any part of the article (e.g., title, abstract, author, text, etc.) for the keyword.
  • Using keywords can return too many or too few results because the database is only searching for the word or phrase you typed in.
  • Many times, the search results are irrelevant and not about your subject. 


Subject Terms

  • Subject terms are words that have been given to an article and identify its subject and main topics.
  • These words are pre-defined by the database.
  • You must know what the Subject Term is to search for them.
  • Subject Terms can be found in the databases’ Subject Terms or Thesaurus link, usually found in the top menu.
  • Search results will be more relevant than a keyword search since the articles will be about your subject. 








Guide to ATLA Religion / Scriptures Tool



Learn how to use the Scripture Search in ATLA Religion


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Guide to ATLA Religion / Tutorials





Learn how to use the Scripture Search in ATLA Religion


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Finding Ministry Leadership Resources in ATLA Religion Index 

Open Video in New Tab





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